Some useful information

The Fiesta de San Juan is an important religious celebration that takes place in the different cities of Peru, and that presents special devotion in the Peruvian Amazon. The festival of San Juan has its central day on June 24 and for this different events are held both religious and regional.

The parties begin on the 23rd and by then different tourist routes are planned that are provided to the visitors with a purpose of encouraging tourism in the area. Among these routes is for example a free tour of the Charachamayoc Complex.

In the celebration of the festival of San Juan there are also sports activities in which the different teams of the inhabitants participate. The religious ceremonies are not absent in the Feast of San Juan and the first of those celebrated in homage to the Saint is offered at night.

In conjunction with this folkloric festival where the dances are exhibited, as well as exhibitions of different typical dishes of the region. Regarding the latter, it is necessary to mention that the juane has an important role as it is the main dish that is prepared and sold as a tribute to the festival of San Juan, in addition to organizing preparation skills.

The main attractions are the tourist route of the Carachamayoc circuit, costumbristas dances and gastronomic fair.

The main cities of the Peruvian jungle are preparing to celebrate the Fiesta de San Juan as Puerto Maldonado, Loreto, Tingo Maria, Ucayali and San Martin will receive you in a big way, with peculiar dances, exceptional exhibitions, craft fairs, extraordinary gastronomy and more . A celebration to which we should all go at least once in a lifetime.

The main day is June 24, the date on which Saint John the Baptist is worshiped, a saint who is credited with purifying water. But a day earlier, on the eve, there are a series of activities that you must experience. Therefore, it is recommended that you travel a few days before the celebrations begin.

On June 23, which is the eve, a population of men and women go to the river to ask for comfort to San Juan Bautista. This is known as the ‘blessed bath’ and it is what will give them happiness and health during the year. Although, before the party was held only regional music, over time have incorporated foreign and local customs.

For that reason, you will have the happiness of merging with the local population and enjoying some magical days. Processions, parades, typical bands and walks.

The jungle has an infinity of typical dishes and try them in the Fiesta de San Juan 2018 is part of the custom. As is the case of ‘Juane’, which represents the head of San Juan Bautista who, according to the bible, was decaptiated.

The Juane is a dish prepared with rice, cilantro or chopstick, egg, olives and chicken, all wrapped in bijao leaves or banana tied with rope of banana or chapana. You will also taste the ‘Tacacho con Cecina’, the ‘Inchicape de gallina con peña’, ‘patarashca’, ‘Cazuela de pescado’, and more.